Get Your Story Scorecard

A Story Scorecard™ is a short but high-impact assessment that gives you valuable data and key insights about your institution. These insights can help your leadership team drive strategic decisions for better student outcomes.

To get started, simply choose the Story Scorecard™ below that best fits your needs.

Story Scorecard

Measures that Drive Better Performance & Results

Enroll, Retain & Transfer
Story Scorecard™
Boost student enrollment, retention, and transfer rates at your Community College with our Story Scorecard™ assessment and strategy report.
Leadership & Culture
Story Scorecard™
Elevate your institution’s leadership, culture, and performance with strategic insights from our Story Scorecard™.
Brand & Value Proposition
Story Scorecard™
Gain strategic insights on strengthening your brand and creating a value proposition that sets your institution apart with our Story Scorecard™.
Student Success & Equity
Story Scorecard™
Improve student success rates and more effectively support underserved communities with strategic insights from our Story Scorecard™.

Story Scorecard Frequently Asked Questions...

A Story Scorecard™ is a high-impact assessment designed to provide your institution with valuable data and strategic insights to improve key areas such as enrollment, retention, transfer, leadership, and student success. This unique tool leverages 20 years of communication consulting experience and our proprietary STORY 360™ framework to deliver story-driven messaging that resonates, connects, and converts.



The Story Scorecard™ identifies gaps in your current communication strategies related to enrollment, retention, transfer, culture, leadership, and student success/equity.

It then provides tailored recommendations to enhance your institution’s performance in these key areas. Beyond identifying messaging and targeting gaps, it delivers detailed insights using our STORY 360™ strategies to improve communication effectiveness and conversion rates.


#benefits  #value  #results

Unlike traditional surveys, Story Scorecards™ integrates proven storytelling techniques with data-driven insights utilizing our STORY 360™ framework. This holistic approach ensures that every message resonates deeply with your target audience, maximizing engagement and impact.


#benefits  #value  #results #different #compared

Each Story Scorecard™ is customized to address your institution’s specific goals and challenges, providing highly relevant and actionable strategic insights. Our proprietary methodologies ensure the solutions are dialed into your institution’s unique context and needs.

Institutions that execute our Story Scorecard™ recommendations can expect dramatic conversion rate improvements. Our higher education client partners have seen upwards of 317% improved conversions utilizing these strategies.


#benefits  #value  #results

The process involves three steps:

  1. Book Your Discovery Call With X: this is a 15-minute Zoom meeting to discuss details, collect preliminary data, and determine which Story Scorecard™ is best for your institution.
  2. Complete Your 30-minute Assessment: Your assessment survey will be digital or conducted via interview, depending on what type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.
  3. Receive Your  Story Scorecard™ Strategy Report: You'll receive detailed, tailored insights and recommendations within 2-10 business days. The timing to obtain your report depends on the type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.

#steps  #process  #works

Yes, each Story Scorecard™ is tailored to address your institution's objectives and challenges, ensuring the insights are highly relevant and actionable.

Also, keep in mind we offer three types of Story Scorecards.

  1. Basic: digital assessment survey
  2. Advanced: interview survey (one person/group)
  3. Custom: a custom survey with multi-session interviews (multiple people & groups)


#custom  #customized

Start by booking a 15-minute discovery call with our founder. We will discuss your institutional needs during this call and outline the next steps.

The price of a Story Scorecard™ varies depending on the type and scope of the assessment. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific needs and get a customized quote.

Start by booking a 15-minute discovery call with our founder. During this call, we will discuss your institutional needs, outline the next steps, and provide a quote.

#price  #pricing  #cost  #investment

You'll receive your Story Scorecard™ strategy report within 2-10 business days. The timing to receive your report depends on the type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.


#time  #timing  #long #length

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Get Your Story Scorecard™

Secure Your Spot Now Before They Fill Up!

To get your Story Scorecard™, start by completing a Registration of Interest. This quick, 60-second survey officially adds you to our private waiting list before spots fill up.

We understand waiting can be frustrating, but our in-depth work with Community Colleges means we have limited capacity and are highly selective to ensure top-quality service.

The good news is that completing the Registration of Interest connects you directly with X, our CEO. You’ll have an exclusive Discovery Call with him to discuss your institution’s needs and how we can help.

Story Scorecard™

  • Expert Consultation: Speak to X and tap into 20+ years of communication, marketing, and leadership experience.
  • Customized Insights: Receive actionable insights into communication gaps with tailored solutions to improve conversion outcomes.
  • Quick and Easy Process: Just one discovery call and a 30-minute assessment can give you the data, key insights, and strategies to improve institutional outcomes.

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