Navigating Diversity Post-Affirmative Action

Innovative strategies colleges are adopting to maintain diversity without affirmative action. Plus: The politics of online education oversight


Diversity in a Post-Affirmative Action Era

⚖️ In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision ending affirmative action, colleges are rigorously testing new methodologies to preserve student body diversity. They’re delving into data, experimenting with various models, such as:

  1. Focusing on economic diversity by adjusting the admissions criteria to benefit students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
  2. Factoring in school poverty levels by adding a preference for applicants from high-poverty high schools.
  3. Rewarding academic resilience by admitting students who have excelled academically despite significant personal, economic, or educational challenges.
  4. Expanding the applicant pool by targeting predominantly minority high schools and encouraging more students from these schools to apply.
  5. Building a stronger pipeline of students from underrepresented communities through targeted recruiting and relationship building.

So, while colleges can no longer employ racial preferences in admissions, these alternative methods provide schools with a much-needed avenue to pursue their diversity goals.

This dynamic exploration underscores a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, highlighting how data-driven insights and innovative thinking can pave new pathways to achieving cherished institutional values.

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The quest for alternative diversity strategies illuminates a powerful lesson: there’s always a way forward.

As one door closes, another one opens, revealing new possibilities for those willing to explore. This scenario encourages leaders to:

  • Dive deep into understanding the intricacies of their challenges.
  • Leverage data and analytics to uncover novel solutions.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and adaptability in navigating change.

Even in a post-affirmative action world, institutions with the right blend of data analysis and creative problem-solving can continue to honor their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

🎯 Cabinet Conversation »
  • How can we leverage our institutional data to identify new pathways for diversity and inclusion?
  • How can we foster a campus culture that values diverse perspectives and equitable opportunities?

P.S. ~ Dive deeper by checking out the New York Times interactive data visualization on affirmative action alternatives.

Politics of Online Education Oversight

The Biden administration’s proposal to let states enforce their own regulations for online education stirs a mix of anticipation and concern. This policy shift could dismantle the existing reciprocity agreements, potentially restricting student access to online courses.

Critics argue this might disproportionately affect smaller institutions, raising the stakes for consumer protection versus educational accessibility.

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Navigating regulatory changes demands strategic foresight, proactive advocacy, and pathway and partnership building. This three-pillar approach can help an institution to prepare, weather, or avoid the storm of regulatory change.

  • Proactive advocacy: They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or, like my dad used to tell me, closed mouths don’t get fed. Whichever resonates best with you, the meaning is the same. It’s up to senior leaders to squeak and open their mouths by advocating for their institution’s needs.

    Given the weight and demands of running the institution, this responsibility may seem daunting and, in many ways, impractical. If you feel this way, we challenge you to consider that delegation, leadership empowerment, and a strong Cabinet are the answer. Having the leadership team carry much of the tactical load should give senior leaders the bandwidth to engage in political arenas.
  • Strategic foresight: While you can’t influence every political decision, you can strategically scan the horizon and make high-impact decisions that give your institution the best chance to succeed. Political winds change things, but ultimately, decisions are what seal fates.

    That’s why senior leaders must have the space, time, and skill set to think deeply and strategically plan for today and tomorrow.
  • Pathway & partnership building: It stands to reason that big institutions do better with the rise and fall of political tides. Though true, this sentiment only paints part of the picture because optionality, not size, is an institution’s best protection from uncertainty.

    For example, does your institution have options outside the political mandate, resource, or pathway? If you don’t, your institution is what Nasim Taleb calls fragile. This means that your capacity to thrive decreases with political volatility. A great counter-move to political fragility is to develop optionality by developing strategic pathways and partnerships that allow for exploring alternative solutions.

    Empowered with optionality through strategic pathways and partnerships will give your institution a fighting chance to thrive in any political environment. But again, this critical piece can only be developed and implemented by the institution’s most senior leaders.

All three strategies require that senior leaders have ample bandwidth to play these strategic cards, which, by default, also requires an empowered culture, Cabinet, and leadership chain.

🎯 Cabinet Conversation »
  • What’s the most significant factor limiting our capacity to proactively advocate for our institution?
  • What’s the most significant factor limiting our strategic foresight and planning?
  • What’s the most significant factor limiting our capacity to develop alternative pathways & partnerships?

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