GeneralFrequently Asked Questions...


Hasani X (AKA X, or The Chief of Story) is the founder and CEO of Lead Your Story. He's a seasoned communication strategist and leadership consultant who has trained and worked with more than 10,000 leaders and team members.

Learn More About X » 

We are a higher education communications & consulting firm run by Hasani X and a team of globally distributed subject matter experts.

We specialize in helping Community Colleges grow enrollment and retention, reducing equity gaps, and driving higher student success. We do this through Story-Driven Outreach Marketing to students and Communication Consulting and workshops to improve leadership, culture, and team performance.

Learn More About Lead Your Story » 

A Story Scorecard™ is a short but high-impact assessment that gives you valuable data and key insights about your institution. These insights can help your leadership team drive strategic decisions for better student outcomes.

Learn More About Story Scorecards™ » 

Story 360™ is story-driven enrollment and retention marketing that focuses on communicating the right story at the right time in the right places.

Learn more about Story 360™ and how it can help you boost enrollment and retention at your Community College.

Start by completing your Registration of Interest Survey.  This short survey helps us to determine if you are a good fit and officially adds you to our waiting list.

And yes, we know waiting lists suck. However, given the depth of our custom work with Community Colleges, we have limited capacity. So we are very selective and have waiting lists for many of our core services.

The good news is that the Registration of Interest Survey is only 5 minutes and it officially connects you with X and Lead Your Story. At a minimum, it will get you a call with X to discuss your school and how we can help.

Start Your Registration of Interest Survey » 

Story Scorecard™︎Frequently Asked Questions...


A Story Scorecard™ is a high-impact assessment designed to provide your institution with valuable data and strategic insights to improve key areas such as enrollment, retention, transfer, leadership, and student success. This unique tool leverages 20 years of communication consulting experience and our proprietary STORY 360™ framework to deliver story-driven messaging that resonates, connects, and converts.



The Story Scorecard™ identifies gaps in your current communication strategies related to enrollment, retention, transfer, culture, leadership, and student success/equity.

It then provides tailored recommendations to enhance your institution’s performance in these key areas. Beyond identifying messaging and targeting gaps, it delivers detailed insights using our STORY 360™ strategies to improve communication effectiveness and conversion rates.


#benefits  #value  #results

Unlike traditional surveys, Story Scorecards™ integrates proven storytelling techniques with data-driven insights utilizing our STORY 360™ framework. This holistic approach ensures that every message resonates deeply with your target audience, maximizing engagement and impact.


#benefits  #value  #results #different #compared

Each Story Scorecard™ is customized to address your institution’s specific goals and challenges, providing highly relevant and actionable strategic insights. Our proprietary methodologies ensure the solutions are dialed into your institution’s unique context and needs.

Institutions that execute our Story Scorecard™ recommendations can expect dramatic conversion rate improvements. Our higher education client partners have seen upwards of 317% improved conversions utilizing these strategies.


#benefits  #value  #results

The process involves three steps:

  1. Book Your Discovery Call With X: this is a 15-minute Zoom meeting to discuss details, collect preliminary data, and determine which Story Scorecard™ is best for your institution.
  2. Complete Your 30-minute Assessment: Your assessment survey will be digital or conducted via interview, depending on what type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.
  3. Receive Your  Story Scorecard™ Strategy Report: You'll receive detailed, tailored insights and recommendations within 2-10 business days. The timing to obtain your report depends on the type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.

#steps  #process  #works

Yes, each Story Scorecard™ is tailored to address your institution's objectives and challenges, ensuring the insights are highly relevant and actionable.

Also, keep in mind we offer three types of Story Scorecards.

  1. Basic: digital assessment survey
  2. Advanced: interview survey (one person/group)
  3. Custom: a custom survey with multi-session interviews (multiple people & groups)


#custom  #customized

Start by booking a 15-minute discovery call with our founder. We will discuss your institutional needs during this call and outline the next steps.

The price of a Story Scorecard™ varies depending on the type and scope of the assessment. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your specific needs and get a customized quote.

Start by booking a 15-minute discovery call with our founder. During this call, we will discuss your institutional needs, outline the next steps, and provide a quote.

#price  #pricing  #cost  #investment

You'll receive your Story Scorecard™ strategy report within 2-10 business days. The timing to receive your report depends on the type of Story Scorecard™ you sign up for.


#time  #timing  #long #length

STORY 360 Frequently Asked Questions...


STORY 360™ is a comprehensive communication strategy that uses targeted storytelling to connect with students at the right story, in the right place, at the right time.

STORY 360™ can boost enrollment, retention, and transfer rates by delivering personalized, relevant messages that resonate with prospective and current students.

Unlike traditional methods, STORY 360™ focuses on segmenting your audience and tailoring messages to each group, ensuring higher engagement and conversion rates.

We first clarify institutional goals, analyze the current landscape to uncover challenges, then develop your communication and marketing strategy. From there we leverage student data to create customized campaigns that speak directly to the needs and concerns of your student population.

Clients have seen significant improvements in engagement, enrollment, retention, and transfer rates, with some experiencing enrollment records and over 317% higher conversion.

The process involves sending us your priority student lists and campaign goals. We then build and launch your STORY 360™ Campaign. We report weekly on results and work in real-time with your communications team to update and refine the campaign to maximize outcomes.

If you seek professional development and capacity-building training and workshops, see the FAQ section labeled STORY 360™ Training & Workshop Questions.

Our Done-for-You service includes everything from building, launching, and managing your STORY 360™ campaign from start to finish.

General workflow follows the below three phases

PHASE 1: Pre-Campaign Planning

Discovery: Understand your institution’s goals, challenges, and target audience through comprehensive discussions and analysis.

Diagnosis: Assess your current communication strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Design: Develop a customized campaign plan tailored to your specific objectives and target demographics.

PHASE 2: Campaign Build Out & Launch

Right Story: Craft compelling stories and messages tailored to each segment of your audience, including campaign messaging, story creation, and audience segmentation.

Right Place: Prepare and integrate campaign content across multiple platforms such as email, text messaging, social media, and direct mail.

Right Time: Map out the student journey and sequence calls to action to ensure timely and relevant communication.

Testing & Quality Control: Test all campaign elements to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Conduct quality control checks to guarantee a seamless launch.

Launch: Execute the campaign, ensuring all elements are in place and messages are delivered at the right time to the right audience.

PHASE 3: Campaign Management & Support

Monitoring: Continuously monitor campaign performance and engagement metrics.

Optimization: Make data-driven adjustments to optimize the campaign’s effectiveness and reach.

Reporting: Provide regular updates and detailed reports on campaign performance, including insights and recommendations for improvement.

Ongoing Support: Offer continuous support to address any issues and ensure the campaign’s success throughout its duration.

You can securely share your priority student lists with us through our encrypted data transfer system or your Microsoft 360 Teams File Share.

Once we've completed the discovery phase to align institution goals and received your priority student target lists, we begin developing our research and communication strategy. Once completed, we share it with the institution and then proceed to build and launch your STORY 360™ campaign, taking care of all the details so you can focus on other priorities.


will build and launch your STORY 360 campaign, taking care of all the details so you can focus on other priorities.

Generally 2-3 weeks. But for rush campaigns we can launch within 72 hours.

We may request additional information to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of your campaign message. Besides small information requests, we will send out a request form highlighting a checklist of items we need. For example, your logo, color palette, fonts, point of contact to send interested students to, etc.

We have a three-phase delivery system

Pre-Training Phase: Discovery, Diagnosis, and Design

  • Discovery: We begin by understanding your institution’s unique challenges, goals, and target audience through in-depth discussions and analysis.
  • Diagnosis: Assess your current communication strategies and identify areas for improvement.
  • Design: Develop a customized training and workshop plan tailored to your institution’s specific needs and objectives.

Training Phase

  • Strategy Development: Learn how to create a robust communication strategy tailored to your institution’s goals and target audience.
  • Campaign Building: Get step-by-step instructions on designing, building, and launching effective STORY 360™ campaigns.
  • Tools and Technology: Understand how to leverage various tools and technologies to enhance your marketing efforts and streamline your workflow.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Develop SOPs to ensure consistent and efficient execution of marketing campaigns.
  • Hands-On Guidance: Receive personalized support from experienced communication strategists and trainers, ensuring your team gains practical skills and confidence.

Post-Training Phase: Ongoing Support, Coaching, and Consulting

  • Ongoing Support: Access resources and support to help your team continuously improve and stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and best practices.
  • Coaching: Regular coaching sessions to address any challenges and reinforce training concepts.
  • Consulting: Expert consulting to assist in the execution of learned strategies and to ensure the continued success of your marketing campaigns.

The Pre-Training phase takes between 1-3 weeks. The training period, depending on the package, can take between 1-6 weeks. Post-training support varies but can last between one full term and an entire school year.

The Pre-Training and Post-Training support phases are generally facilitated by one of our experienced communication strategists and trainers. X generally handles all hands-on training experiences.

Your team will learn modern marketing techniques, effective storytelling, campaign building, and how to use relevant tools and technologies to improve communications (for example, how to leverage AI in your campaigns).

Yes, we tailor our training programs to address the specific challenges and goals of your institution.

Start by completing your Registration of Interest Survey.  This short survey helps us to determine if you are a good fit and officially adds you to our waiting list.

And yes, we know waiting lists suck. However, given the depth of our custom work with Community Colleges, we have limited capacity. So, we are very selective and have waiting lists for many of our core services.

The good news is that the Registration of Interest Survey is only 5 minutes and it officially connects you with X and Lead Your Story. At a minimum, it will get you a call with X to discuss your school and how we can help.

Start Your Registration of Interest Survey » 

Rise of a LeaderFrequently Asked Questions...


Rise of a Leader is a comprehensive program designed to transform higher education institutions by empowering leaders and teams to live their leadership principles to drive better real-world outcomes.

Rise of a Leader has three phases:

  • Leadership Phase: This phase begins with defining clear leadership goals and priorities, followed by a thorough diagnosis of the current state. It also includes designing a strategic plan and deploying it through continuous feedback and adjustment. Leaders are connected, aligned, and coached to Live It to Lead It.
  • Team Phase: Builds on the leadership phase by establishing team goals and priorities. This phase follows the same four-part process and focuses on connecting team members, aligning around clear directives, and helping them grow into living embodiments of the institution's desired culture and values.
  • Culture & Brand Phase: Integrates the work done in the leadership and team phases. This phase focuses on defining cultural and brand goals, diagnosing the current state, designing a strategic plan, and deploying it. The emphasis is on aligning behaviors and actions with brand values and ensuring the organization embodies its desired culture.


Rise of a Leader enhances leadership capabilities, strengthens team dynamics, and cultivates a cohesive organizational culture, leading to improved performance, better student engagement, and a stronger brand perception.

The program is structured into three interconnected phases: Leadership, Team, and Culture & Brand. Each phase follows a four-part process: Define, Diagnose, Design, and Deploy.

Rise of a Leader service options include:

  1. Assessment and Reporting: we conduct assessments and provide detailed reports and strategy recommendations on leadership, team dynamics, culture, and brand.
  2. Coaching & Consulting: we offer one-on-one and group coaching sessions for leadership and team development.
  3. Training and Workshops: we conduct training sessions and workshops to engage leaders and teams.
  4. Campaigns:  we implement long-term campaigns to reinforce cultural initiatives and brand values.

Rise of a Leader Initiatives Have Created:

  • 57% improved engagement*
  • 78% improved teamwork*
  • 97% reduction in silo behavior*
  • 43% improved personal execution*
  • 37% reduction in cost*
  • 71% improvement in sales velocity*

* ALL RISE initiatives start with specific target goals & associated metrics to measure and track real-world outcomes.

Unlike traditional programs that focus on theoretical knowledge, Rise of a Leader emphasizes actionable, living leadership principles, ensuring that knowledge is actively lived and practiced within the institution.

The program begins with a thorough assessment and diagnosis, tailoring the strategic plan and interventions specifically to your institution’s unique needs and goals.

Rise of a Leader aligns with your institution’s strategic priorities by integrating with existing initiatives and enhancing them through targeted leadership, team, and cultural development.

The program is designed to complement and enhance your current initiatives, not disrupt them. It provides a structured framework to align and strengthen your existing efforts.

Start by completing your Registration of Interest Survey.  This short survey helps us to determine if you are a good fit and officially adds you to our waiting list.

We understand waiting can be frustrating, but our in-depth work with Community Colleges means we have limited capacity and are highly selective to ensure top-quality service.

The good news is that completing the Registration of Interest connects you directly with X, our CEO. You’ll have an exclusive Discovery Call with him to discuss your institution’s needs and how we can help you elevate your institution’s leadership, culture, and performance.

While some improvements can be seen relatively quickly, substantial results typically emerge over several months as the program phases are fully implemented and integrated.

Yes, performance tracking is integral to the program. We use specific metrics and feedback loops to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Yes, ongoing support is provided to ensure sustained success and continuous improvement. This includes regular check-ins, coaching, and additional training as needed.

The Leadership phase includes defining leadership goals, diagnosing current leadership strengths and weaknesses, designing a strategic development plan, and deploying that plan with continuous feedback and adjustment.

It starts with an initial assessment and alignment session to establish clear leadership goals and priorities.

Assessments include 360-degree feedback, leadership style evaluations, and organizational culture surveys.

Leaders receive one-on-one coaching and/or group training sessions, as well as continuous support through RAW Reviews and purposeful practice sessions.

By ensuring leaders are aligned, resolute, and embodying the desired culture, they set a strong example for the entire organization, driving overall performance and cohesion.

The Team phase includes defining team goals, diagnosing team dynamics and performance, designing a strategic team development plan, and deploying that plan with continuous feedback and adjustment.

It starts with an initial assessment of team dynamics and performance to establish clear goals and priorities.

Assessments include team performance evaluations, dynamics surveys, and feedback sessions.

Teams receive tailored training sessions, team-building exercises, and ongoing support through RAW Reviews and purposeful practice sessions.

By fostering strong, cohesive teams that are aligned with leadership goals and organizational culture, the institution can achieve higher levels of performance and collaboration.

The Culture & Brand phase includes defining cultural and brand goals, diagnosing the current state of culture and brand perception, designing a strategic development plan, and deploying that plan with continuous feedback and adjustment.

It starts with an initial assessment of the organizational culture and brand perception to establish clear goals and priorities.

Assessments include cultural audits, brand perception surveys, and stakeholder interviews.

Initiatives include cultural development workshops, brand alignment sessions, and long-term campaigns to reinforce cultural values and brand identity.

By aligning the institution’s culture with its brand values and ensuring both are actively lived and practiced, the institution can enhance its reputation, engage stakeholders, and differentiate itself in the marketplace.


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